Sunday, May 11, 2008

new pin

here is the new pin.

Monday, May 5, 2008

new catalog

sorry it tock me so long but i got pic of the new catalogs.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

me and rockhopper

hey this is colin123489 and this is what it looks like when you see rockhopper.

new newspaper

hey this is the new newspaper and it talks about rcohopper and other thing about him.

new news paper is not new

hey there is not a new news paper iam sorry. yea club penguin was having difficulties

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mimo 777's #1 party clue

hey i have figured out mimo 777 party clue itis CHINOOK a sever on club penguin. chinook is in Canada .here is what a polybius square look like and this is how i figured it out to figur it out yourself her is the code 31-32-42-43-53-53-13

Monday, April 28, 2008

rockhoppers key

hey rockhoppers key is in the library

then go to the last page in the book
now you can go to more places in rockhoppers ship like:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

how to find rockhopper step by step

go to club penguin and put in Rockhopper as the username and online as the password. If it says incorrect password he is online. If hes banned forever hes not online.

Then you need to find a server thats usually quiet but is almost full! He will most likely be there and if people say they have seen Rockhopper or ROCKHOPPER!!! He is deffinatly there!

He is : Beach, Snow Forts, Plaza, Pizza Parlor, Cove, Forest, Migrator Deck, Also inside. Ice Berg sometimes also maybe Dock offten. Also if a room is full then he is there and someone he might make up a lie to make you stop entering a room so other people can see him

If you follow that you will most likely find Rockhopper at least once! And you will be able to get the secret player card

Friday, April 25, 2008

rock hopper / new sportes catalog

hey rockhopper has come out and has free things here is were they are.

this in in the plaza this is the new pin it is in the ski village
here is the new sporyes catalog

Thursday, April 24, 2008

hidden things in newspaper

hey now there are little cool hidden things in the newspaper. i guess they are starting to put stuff like that in now. tell me if you find somthing

spy clothing :super spy gear

super spy geat is cool the F.I.S.H has a new spy gear


rockhopper is back and there is a new newspaper . and he is bringing stuff

Monday, April 21, 2008


hey this is the new mission and cheats. i will try to get a video up soon.

1. Talk to G. Choose any option. He explains the problem with the Clocks.

2. Click the moniter of the Snow Forts that G is pointing to. You will see the the Polar Bear and the Crab break the clock. Click the corner to exit the clock.

3. Talk to G again. Keep choosing the top option. He wants you to find the parts to repair the clock.

4. Go to the Gadget Room. Take the LifeGuard Rescue Tube off the shelf and put it in your inventory.

5. Use your map and go to the Dock. Talk to the penguins from the Blue team. Keep clicking the top options until they let you play to get back the target.

6. Here’s how you play: Click and hold the mouse until the bar goes up to the red zone. LET GO immediately when the bar is at the red zone. Then aim with your mouse and shoot at the target. Remember, the target is moving so click just a little bit ahead of where the target is going. And it takes longer for the snowball to travel the farther the penguin is from you.

7. Once you win, they’ll give you the target. Give them back the Rescue Tube so they can continue practicing.

8. Go to the HQ. Talk to G and tell him you need to use the Electromagnet 3000. He say’s the combination is ‘key’.

9. Go to the Invention Cabinet, which is left of the entrance to the Gadget Room. There is a code if you put your cursor on the bottom right of the screen. Decode the word ‘key’ to Secret Agent Code and input it into the lock.

10. The lock will open. Take out the Magnetron 3000. Now go to the Iceberg on your Map.

11. Go to the left until you see an spring-in-an-icecube floating in the ocean. Use the Magnetron to pull it out of the water. Put them both in your inventory.

12. Go to the HQ. Go to the Gadget Room. Place the ice cube on the Test Chamber. Pull the Red lever. Now Press the Flame button. Now pull the lever again, then pick up the Spring.

13. Go to the Town. Talk to Rookie. Then, ask him for a poster of the Prime Gear. Put it in your inventory.

14. Go to the Ski Village and talk to the penguins there. They explain how the type of snow matters. And the Snow Forts has the best.

15. Go to the Snow Forts and fill the green bucket up with snow.

16.Go to the Beach and talk to the yellow penguin on the chair. He say’s he gave a yellow puffle a drawing of a chair and the puffle made the chair for him. Pick up the green bucket next to him that’s on the ground.

17.Use your map and go to the Plaza. Go into the Pizza Parlor.

18. Take the sheet of music on the floor next to the piano.

19.Exit the Pizza Parlor. And go into the Stage. Click on the piano at the Stage. Put the sheet of music on the piano stand. Play the colored notes in the order it says on the music sheet (read from left to right). The yellow puffle will love it and come out of hiding!

20. Now give the puffle the picture of the gear. Then give it the bucket of snow. It’ll construct a replica Gear. Place the Gear in your inventory.

21. Now go back to the Gadget Room in the HQ.

22. Place the Gear on the Test Chamber. Pull the lever. Push the snowflake button. The pull the lever again. Take out the hardened Gear.

23. Go to the Snow Forts one more time. Now click on the Snow Forts Clock to get behind it. Place the Gear in the middle, the Spring on the upper left, and the Target on the outside (on top of the pole). Now exit the Clock. The Construction worker will cheer. You will get a call on your spyphone from the Polar Bear!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Rockhoppers ship

you can now go on rockhoppers ship but not inside it because there is mud or something blocking the door.

New clothing catalog

there is a new clothing catalog that came out today so here is whats new
here is how to get the cheesey tie go to the penguin with all the tie's and clicl on his teeth then buy the tie and you have it